Staying connected to your ultimate vision

Like Stephen Palmer said, “All too often, we put our heads down and swim through life without periodically checking to see if we are headed the right way. After years of hard work and largely thoughtless routines, we raise our heads and realize we’ve been swimming in the wrong direction.” I call this foveal vision. You miss a lot when you narrowly focus and don’t notice what is around you. 

Even the most focused and committed must continually re-connect with their ultimate vision and most meaningful objectives to stay on track. But that’s not enough though. Hear me out. 

Imagine for a moment that you are focused and you’ve identified your path. Now I want you to notice the beauty “around” you and have gratitude for where you are NOW and what you have NOW. Can you feel that? Can you see that with a huge smile? Doesn’t it feel so good? Yes!!  And chances are you will be more inspired than ever and inspiring to others. You will feel so empowered, exude amazing energy and now you are attracting that into your life. You find yourself gliding toward what you want. Goodbye having to push through with exhaustion or negative energy. Hello to a life with ease and flow!!! This is what I call peripheral vision!  Expand for abundance. 

Does that mean all days will be rosey? Of course not. Come on—that’s not reality. But how you respond to what happens in your life will be different. It will be different. It will be filled with more amazing days than bad days. 

Today….I want you to notice three things that look beautiful. I want you to smell three things that smell so amazing. Do this for a week and I promise you that you will notice the beauty around you and it help you transition from foveal vision to peripheral vision.

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