Recruit Responsibly

Why does this word "Recruit" get such a bad rap in the network marketing industry? Oh let me count the ways. Well maybe not, but let me just give you a few examples like: people can be salesy, they care more about their goals than the person they are approaching, they "throw up" their company information, etc..

Would you like to learn how to recruit genuinely in a way that you and the person you talk to feels good about it? Or maybe you've been approached in a not-feel-so-good-kind of way and you would like to see that change overall? Okay I've got you covered either way. Let me share some basics with you.

I just got off a business webinar on the topic of Recruiting Responsibly with my team. What does that mean? Well, as my friend, Tasha Smith of Emerge Sales Training, says, we must learn to "recruit as good humans".  I LOVE THAT!!!! When I hear good humans, I think the doTERRA Executive Team. What does that mean though? It means  1) customer is first;  2) team is second;  3) me and my agenda third. 

Here are 5 Keys to Recruiting Responsibly:

  1. Set up an appointment (don’t recruit on the fly) 
  2. Give an agenda (let's them know what to expect)
  3. Gain input (find out what is important to them and what they'd like to know about)
  4. Use simple language (easy to understand so they can understand and envision a better picture)
  5. Give simple choices (an overwhelmed mind always says No)

Why is this a big deal to me? Because when I decided to partner with doTERRA, I was attracted to the integrity of the product, the integrity of the company and the culture they created. A culture that felt good, made me feel good and a culture I wanted to be part of.

 I believe that doTERRA Essential Oils are life changing for my customers. I want to reach millions of families to use and benefit from essential oils. But I know I can't do it alone right now. So it is my ethical and moral obligation to learn/teach my team how to recruit well and teach my team to do the same. By doing so, I create an amazing team of good people (good humans) that serve others. Our team alone have helped millions of families improve their health and wellness. That makes me so happy.

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