Why you are the person you are today

Did you ever stop to really think about that?Do you mind if I get real and vulnerable here? I thought about that long and hard when my mom passed away yesterday. My mom and I never have a solid, strong relationship and we were estranged for most of my life. I was raised by my father.

For many many years as a young adult, I would get angry that my mother made bad choices that prevented me from having a “mom” or a mom like most people have. But I decided in my 30’s that I wasn’t going to allow myself to be held emotionally hostage and stopped trying to prove to her that I was deserving of her love and attention.

I really believe that I’m the person that I am today because of my childhood experiences—good and bad ones. My father was very social, he liked adventure, he was fun, and he had an awesome work ethic. If my dad ran into a problem, he found a solution. I definitely take after him. Seeing what mom went through I guess as a child I was already knowing that I didn’t want to be like that. 

Instead I chose to be a strong, confident woman. Of course, it wasn’t that easy. It was a process. Being surrounded by people that believed in me (my dad, husband, my in-laws) definitely helped me to believe in myself. And quite honestly, it’s the beliefs you have that will either serve you or hold you back from your greatness.

This year I decided to participate in a program with the ICAN Institute. I fell in love with what this company provided for women in network marketing. They provided a safe, supportive community for women to learn, explore and feel empowered. It was there that I learned that whatever a person’s programming is (from childhood, experiences, what people have told us that we believe, etc.) that it is not our fault. Check out their page, http://bit.ly/2m04IQU

When I learned that my mom passed, I was really sad. But I knew that I needed to forgive her. Holding onto negative thoughts and feelings does me no good. I’ve always loved her and always will. By forgiving her, both her and I will have peace. She is an angel now and is in heaven with loved ones that will take care of her.

My experiences and my childhood definitely defined the person that I am today. It is the reason I do the work that I do. Lift up other women, help them step into their greatness and provide a supporting community. With passion, purpose and vision they can have success on their terms. And feel really good about it.

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