Getting back on track

Have you ever wanted change so bad that you got fed up and said that's it. NO MORE!  It's like you become so determined and you pull everything you have out and get it done!

That's the kind of drive I had last week. The core activity that I needed for my business growth had been lacking. I had valid reasons for it and yes I even made some excuses. But the first step was to acknowledge it, learn from it and ask for help. As I wrote about last week's blog, I had a meeting with my business coach. We reviewed what was going well, what was challenging and what I wanted to achieve the remainder of the month. After we talked, she made sure my intentions and planned activity were in alignment with my goal. She even had me confirm that I had the time in my calendar AND WROTE IT DOWN. Guess what??? 

I hit my goal 3 days later and I still have a week left in the month. I wanted change so I had to change what I was doing (and thinking). 

And you know what's funny? What she did with me is exactly what I do with my team and it felt so good to be on the other end of the coaching.

As I was reflecting on this, today I woke up to this text message from a new builder that has a lot of life challenges that could have side-tracked her and taken her focus off her goals. Yesterday she had a coaching session with me. 

"Good morning. I made some calls, did some follow up (that I actually planned) and as a result enrolled (new customer).. .I want to are a godsend. You offer me so much more than how to work the business. This is the training I've been waiting for. I'm blessed."

I was so moved that she took the time to send the message. (love her!) She got results because she learned how to believe in herself and because SHE took action. It wasn't what I did, but what she did and being coachable. Helping my team move towards their goals, hit their goals and seeing their growth along the way are all the things that  drive me and continues to inspire me to keep sharing essential oils with you and others. Initially, they will positively impact your health and then change your life and finances with the community support my team offers.

Do you have a mentor or coach to work with you? How is it changing your life? If not, why? What is it costing you to not be mentored or coached? What could you accomplish?  

Have you ever thought of having your own business (a business with a purpose)? Let’s set up a time to go over this in more detail.  We'll go over your current situation, what it takes to do this, compensation, and how to start. You don't have to commit to anything, but if you like what you hear, I'll help you get started. Is that something you would be open to?

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