Release your fears blend

I always view a new year as an opportunity to look back over the past year and acknowledge what went really well and acknowledge what was I grateful for. Did I contribute enough? Whose lives did I have an impact on. Who had an impact on my life? What was hard or challenging? If there was anything that didn't serve me, the new year is a perfect start to purge and release. I’m actually working on a few exciting things that will impact others, change lives and help people improve their health and wealth.

How about you? What went well for you? What was hard? What will you choose for this year?

I believe that if you want change in your life, you must CHOOSE to do something different if you want a different outcome. Ready to release some of those fears so that you can see a new perspective? These are some of my favorite oils taken from my Release Your Fears blend.

  • Cardamom gives you a birds eye view of your current circumstances. Looking at your fears from a distance and seeing the bigger picture, Cardamom provides solutions to the problem at hand as you see your situation from a different perspective.
  • Juniper Berry helps to releases fears in general.
  • Lemon cleanses out the fears and purifies.
  • Lime connects you to the deepest parts of your soul. Lime brings out the inner warrior and makes you triumphant.

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