How I Get Oils For Free Every Month | FREE Oil Program

It's actually called the Loyalty Rewards Program, but I affectionately refer to it as the Free Oil Program because that what you get from it--free oils.

Why do I love doTERRA's Loyalty Rewards program so mich? Because its the MOST amazing program ever! Here are some of the reasons my customers and team love about the program:

☀️I love the opportunity to earn a product free each month and the points to get free product! ~ Sonya R.

☀️What I love about LRP is that it makes my “healthcare” affordable. All my discomforts have been relieved and my energy has increased X10. That is only possible with the reward points and discounts through my LRP. ~ Linda B.

☀️Love LRP because it saves me $ by allowing me to use my saved points for the items my family needs and love. - Luz M.

☀️I love LRP because it allows me to earn points towards more oils for my health and wellness! ~ Kristina A.

Why shop for my personal care products in the supermarket (full of toxins) or pay premium prices for natural products when I can shop for clean (chemical free) products from doTERRA and have them infused with essential oils--and get a discount. I get a 55% discount on all of my hair products, personal care products, skin care, vitamins, supplements and laundry detergent. And this purchase allows me to earn points which I redeem for free oils. Now, you see why It's the best program EVER right????? 

Here are some customer favorites:

If you aren't benefiting from free oils with your doTERRA account, reach out to me and we'll get you started with you goals and needs in mind.

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