Whole body wellness with AromaTouch

I had the opportunity to become a certified AromaTouch Trainer with Dr. Hill last year. He explained the science behind what the AromaTouch Technique does and why it is so beneficial. This amazing technique will always produce an outcome that supports our overall health goals!

Dr. Hill did not just throw this technique together, he worked on it for a year and a half. There was a lot of thought and changes that went into making the technique what it is today! Dr. Hill knew that the technique had to be simple enough that anyone could do it! Super simple but extremely powerful. The oils were chosen for their physical benefits, emotional benefits, and combined aroma.

In my last blog post about the AromaTouch Technique, I go into more detail about the what, the how and the who.

To get the benefits of this kit, use this link

Want to upgrade your health, schedule a wellness consult today.

If you've had an Aromatouch session before, I'd love to hear how you benefited and what you experienced. Just comment below.

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