Did you see these December offers yet?
Wow...wow...wow..you can get all of your holiday shopping done right here!
What are you most excited for?
I'm digging the lip gloss and got 4 plus I can't wait to receive the Cuisine Blends because you know how much I love cooking with my oils.
Who wants a free Frankincense? You can get more than one and I know I'm not alone and get more than one. Frankincense is a family favorite that we use every day.
Simply place a 200pv order to get a free Frankincense.
With a 125pv LRP order shipped by Dec 15th you'll also receive a free Balsalm Fir. I can't wait to get this one. It's a BIG deal because it's an exclusive oil that is never available for purchase.
10% off of Cardamom essential oil. This is a BIG deal and perfect this month because it supports the respiratory system and digestive tract.
REMINDER: Place your orders earlier in the month to ensure delivery sooner in the month and avoid longer shipping delays.