Can hair perfume really make you feel sexy?

Research shows without a doubt that aromatic compounds found in essential oils can lift and improve your mood. So if you improve your mood and feel good,  you can increase your confidence.  Hair perfume is a great way to leave those you pass by with the sweet and enticing aroma of essential oils. Lightly spray it on your hair to keep it smelling sweet an fresh. Feel free to switch up the essential oils used in this recipe to create your perfect aroma. I used the oils in the recipe and LOVED the fragrance.  Don't worry men.....I've got you covered too.  Below are some combinations for you. Get your SEXY ON, give it a try and let me know what you think.

Spicy Pick-Me-Up:
Cinnamon essential oil
Cassia essential oil
Peppermint essential oil
Grapefruit essential oil

Fresh Cut Grass:
Basil essential oil
White Fir essential oil
Wild Orange essential oil
Bergamot essential oil
Citrus Bliss® essential oil blend

Woodsy Black Licorice:
Fennel essential oil
Cypress essential oil
Wild Orange essential oil
Sandalwood essential oil
8 drops Lime essential oil 

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