Your why should be your FIRE

In life you have to have something that DRIVES you into action to achieve your goals. 

I call that your "WHY".  

Do you have one? If so, share below. If not, why? Why do you have a hard time developing your why? For some it is because they can't imagine what is possible in the future because they are busy living in the now. They are limited by what they think they are capable of "now". It's their current belief system, fears and the emotions that follow that that leave them stuck in the "now". You don't have to fear creating your why and believing it. I'll show you in 3 easy steps how to find your drive.

Step 1: Sometimes it helps to think of your current pain or what you don't want now. Do any of these apply to you?  No long term security, not enough vacation and that time is up to your boss, every wednesday is hump day, you work all week for a Friday but then they don’t have the resources to do anything special on the weekend, Mondays and post-holidays are painful, not enough paycheck at the end of the week, your gifts and skills are underutilized, hit the ceiling and not fulfilled, no control, etc. Write down what applies.

Step 2: Now what if your why included the opposite of what you don't want. I have long term security, vacations are abundant, everyday is my weekend, I enjoy my holidays now, I earn enough money that I can give back and donate, my gifts and talents are used every day, there is no financial ceiling, Write down what you now have. Start there to develop your Why.

Step 3: Wake up every day and asked yourself "What do I need to change today?",  Say OUT LOUD: "I must evolve everyday to be the person I’m trying to attract into my business. I elevate my identify every day (personal development). Always plan my month all out."

Would you feel empowered, put you into the right action?

Would it DRIVE you?

There wouldn't be anything you couldn't accomplish.  Post below your Why in the present tense as if is happening now. In developing my why, I used these statements:

I’m confident, powerful and unstoppable. 

My purpose is to empower and elevate people to their greatness.

I will show you how to have abundant life with no financial burdens. 

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